Come Be A Part of Sunnycrest Church…

Come Be A Part of Sunnycrest Church…

…By Praying

We firmly believe that there is power in prayer. That if you pray in God’s will, it will be done according to His will! And that God is the answer to our every need. We welcome you to pray with us!

…By Giving

Giving to Sunnycrest Church is investing in a God centered future for you and your children. The world around us is messy and we want to be a protective barrier alongside your family against the lies of the world. We want to help equip you to defend yourself - to know what you believe and why you believe it. Help us to work towards that effort by supporting Sunnycrest and our ministries.

…By Serving With Us

Sunnycrest is committed to reaching our community for Christ and training the next generation of men, women, and children to stand on the truth of God’s Word. If you want to be a part of that, check out our ministries to discover an area you can serve in.

…By Joining Us!

There are plenty of ways to get involved. Here, you can check out all of the different groups that belong to Sunnycrest Church and find the one you want to be a part of. With new groups and studies cropping up all the time, we hope you’ll find one that helps our church feel like home!